Acerbic Resonance

There’s no substitute for a good subtitle.

Cruise to Ensenada

This year for our anniversary we joined Christine’s family on a cruise from Los Angeles to Ensenada, MX.  This was our first cruise, and it was a blast!

Check out the photo album to see such amazing sights as shuffleboard, Mexican grocery stores, and me in a wetsuit:


2 responses to “Cruise to Ensenada”

  1. Sweet photos! Lots of fun people shots. My favorite, as far as artistic composition goes, is IMG_3546. But what is going on in IMG_3371, A kraken sighting?

    1. 3371 is actually the wake of a disappearing sea lion that was playing next to the ship right before we left Los Angeles. I really love the reflection of the tying lines off the water – looks like some crazy Medusa head squigglies all over the surface.

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