Acerbic Resonance

There’s no substitute for a good subtitle.

Back From Vacation

Well, we are finally back from the extravaganza known as Christmas Vacation.  If anyone out there has yet to experience the pleasure of dealing with a 2 year old with stomach flu while on the road, let me assure you that it is not pleasant.  We started this *vacation* with a road trip to Idaho to visit Christine’s relatives there.  We were there for 2 days, then drove back to Salt Lake for 1 night.  Next we hopped on a plane to Saint Louis to visit all of my family there, and to have a chance to go through some of my dad’s personal effects etc.  The last night we were there (New Year’s Eve), Erica came down with something nasty.  About 12:15 am she woke up after having plastered herself and her portacrib with the contents of her tummy.  Yuck.

Happy new year.

We managed to get her happy and healthy enough to survive the plane ride home, and enjoyed a quick day of relaxation before I came down with the same flu yesterday.  Yuck.

Next year, we think we’ll stay home.

In other news, we did get and give some great stuff for the holidays.  Erica had Santa bring her a new little table with chairs, a tea set, and a shopping cart with plastic food that mommy and daddy have to help her eat over and over again.  Christine scored a bunch of Pampered Chef items for the kitchen, as well as a custom book of pictures of Erica that I had printed up.  I managed to haul away a bunch of power tools that I have needed for a long time:  A router, chop saw, and circular saw.  I plan to make big pieces of wood into littler pieces of wood as soon as possible. 🙂
Jan 4, 2005 12:24 AM


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