Yesterday on my way home from work I heard that one of the greatest entertainers of my lifetime passed away. As with the death of any celebrity, the media frenzy has been at a fever pitch, with stories aimed at attracting eyeballs rather than mourning with those that mourn.
This is not that kind of article.
I don’t care who reads my blog, as I really only use it as a place to collect scraps of things I find significant in my life. I’ll spare you any details of this specific death, but wanted to express my sorrow at his passing. I’ve laughed long and hard to many of his performances, and I’m deeply saddened that he will be heard no more. I sincerely hope his family can find peace and comfort in the huge positive impact his life had on this world, and that Mr. Williams has finally been able to break free of the demons he fought his whole life, while bringing such happiness to others.
I do not want a gaping crowd
To come with lamentations loud
When life has fled.Nor would I have my words or ways
Rehearsed perhaps with tardy praise
When I am dead.I do not want strange curious eyes
To scan my face when still it lies
In silence dread.Nor do I want them if they would
To tell my deeds were ill or good
When I am dead.I only want the very few
Who stood through good and evil too
True friendship’s test;Just those who sought to find the good
And then as only true friends could
Forgave the rest.Those who with sympathetic heart
Sought hope and comfort to impart
When there was life.Not keeping all the tears and sighs
Till weary worn out nature dies
And ends the strife.I’d have them come the friendly few
And drop perhaps a tear or two
By kindness led.Not many tears I’d have them shed
Nor do I want much sung or said
When I am dead.To have them each come in alone
And call me in the old sweet tone
Would suit me best.And then without a sob or moan
Go softly out and leave alone
My soul to rest.–Anonymous
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