Acerbic Resonance

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Win32 Error Codes for LastErrorCode

I am not a windows programmer.  I just play one at work.

Actually, I write apps for both windows and the mac, but I do it all on a mac using RealBasic – it will cross-compile.

Today I ran into a problem on windows with one of my projects – I was trying to read the contents of a file into memory so I could push it across a socket to a remote computer which would then save and use the file contents.  My app was throwing an exception when trying to get a handle to the file, and the error reported was just “32”.  This is the value of “LastErrorCode” as provided by the win32 api.  That is the only info provided… so I dug around on google for a bit, and found this:

It’s a list of all the sytem error codes produced by windows.  Turns out that error 32 means some other process is already using the file in question.


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