Month: August 2010
DansGuardian Hates iTunes
How I fixed my connection to the iTunes Store after upgrading to iTunes 9.1
R/C Planes Are *NOT* Soccer Balls
A few weeks ago I was messing around at the park with my Tiger Moth, and a friend and his son happened to be there shooting pictures of his Super Cub. I decided it would be a great idea to try to fly through the soccer goal, but misjudged the depth as the plane was…
Sometimes You Gotta Stop To Smell The Cheese
Every time we head down to our cabin, we drive through Jerome, ID – home of the Jerome Cheese Company. This place is huge, and is very visible from the freeway. It may sound odd, but during one of our drives, my wife and I started brainstorming about what we could do to break up…
In a stunning case of being in exactly the right place at exactly the right time, I happened to run outside in the middle of a thunderstorm tonight with my camera and captured this: This has been cleaned up in Photoshop a bit – cropped out the houses below, adjusted the levels to make the…
Sergey Larenkov’s Stunning Mix Of Past and Present
Today I ran across the work of a modern day photographer named Sergey Larenkov who has mixed together shots taken in Europe during World War II and shots he took recently. The results are nothing short of stunning, and allow us a peek into not only how much the world has changed, but how much…